Tuesday, February 3, 2009


We recently upgraded our computer and monitor. I went from a 17 1/2 inch monitor to a 19 inch monitor. Doesn't sound like a big deal, but let me explain. That's not 17 1/2 inches wide in the viewing angle, but 17 1/2 inches deep. You know, one of those monitors from the dark ages. It makes me laugh to look at the old monitor and compare it to our new ones. Yes, that's plural. We have two monitors. Mark says I'll never want to go back to one monitor. I'm still just getting used to how much space I have on one monitor compared to my old one.
So for now, I still don't have everything loaded on my new system and things in the office are all a mess. I'm really behind on posting somethings that I thought were blog worthy, if there is such a thing. I'll have to post now and add photos later, when I can...


Anonymous said...

What would you use two monitors for? I'm totally interested now!

Mindy said...

Summer, Mark uses two monitors at work - with all his drawings and stuff, just gives you more monitor real estate, He said there are actaully guys at work that have FOUR monitors. I work from home and it is great to have the html code up on one and the web page or other applications running on the other. Not necessary, just really nice to have.