Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Super Bowl Party Gone Bad

We really didn't have a Super Bowl party, but every Sunday here we get to experience some of the same hard hits and tackles they have in the NFL. My boys love to "tickle," at least that's what they call it -- what it really is is WWF. I've tried to stay clear of any pillow fight or wrestling they engage in, especially when I was pregnant. Now that Alex is here, I just say, I've got the baby and can't play with you guys.
So Sunday night, like clockwork, the boys began their regular routine of playing with dad. I thought to myself, (and now I'm wondering where this thought came from) if I tackle Mark and start kissing him, maybe they'll leave him alone. I think I really just wanted to try and put some moves on my husband. I pushed him down on the couch and was about to kiss him, when the CRUSHER, (that's what Aaron has named himself when they wrestle) tried to get in the middle of things. Not sure how or what, all I know is that my head sure hurt and I started crying. I was holding the side of my face when I realized I was bleeding. I assume my glasses meeting Aaron's head had to be the culprit...I had about a 3/4 inch cut on the side of my eye. Once we got things cleaned up I debated whether or not to go to Instacare and ask about stitches. Long story short, because this is already too long...we put the boys to bed and had a neighbor kid stay with them while Mark took me to the doctor. The doctor said he could glue it shut, and I think he did a pretty good job. I just didn't want to have a bad looking scar at the corner of my eye. Heaven knows I'm going to have enough wrinkles there soon enough. I also had to get a tetanus shot. So when my head finally stopped throbbing, it was my arm that started hurting.
Now, I'm just bruised - from my black eye to my arm. I'm looking pretty sad. You can all feel sorry for me. I'll take your sympathy.


The Mighty Miners said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! We do have the WWF here, but fortunately there has never been more than a few bruises, but it does usually end in crying :( Glad you didn't have to get stitches though, they are never fun! Anyways maybe next time you could try a sneakier way to put the moves on :) ~ later erin

Anonymous said...

hee hee hee........Summer