Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Big Brother

After my post yesterday about my remote, I had to do some researching and find out what was going on. I had to delete the name of the cable company I referenced in my earlier post to protect myself from crazy customer service guys responding to my blog.

I spoke with the company this morning and verified that they actually have people out of PA searching blogs for their company name. Apparently they like to find where people are complaining about their company and see what the problem is. It didn't give me any warm fuzzies to know they were out there trying to help - quite the opposite! It freaked me out!!! It also may have been enough to push me into the world of private blogging.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The remote to our t.v. has been missing for several days. A few months ago it went missing too. Mark later found it hiding in a box at the side/under of the bed. We attributed the hiding place to none other than our little Alex.

Looks innocent enough, right?!

Now not having a remote shouldn't be a problem, right. Just get up and change the channel yourself. Not so! Our remote is from the cable company and must be used to work with the little box they sent us.

Also near the time the remote went missing, a toilet got clogged. It was serious too. The plunger wouldn't work. Mark brought in the big guns, his auger, or something. I really don't know what it's called. That didn't' work either. The rule was - no doing your business in the boys bathroom.

Needless to say, someone forgot the rule last night. Poor Aaron...he had to do something I know he didn't want to do. But I made him. Mark brought the plunger back in to see what he could do. The toilet had been out of commission for nearly a week and a half. He said he started working and then saw something black. You guessed it! There was our lost remote!!

I still laugh thinking about it! I haven't spoken to TV World yet to see what they'll say. I thought about using this approach - "Here's my remote - it doesn't work. May I get a new one?"

The new house rule - Always shut the bathroom door!!