Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcoming A New Year!

We welcomed in the new year here at home with our boys. It was just what I wanted and needed. We made Chinese, played lots of games and toasted to a happy new year - I tried to trick the boys that it was actually midnight when it was really only 9 p.m. But hey, it was hitting midnight somewhere, right!!!

And I know it was a successful party after having the fire alarm go off a total of FIVE times that night. One HOT! HOT! oven plus sparklers inside can only equal trouble. Our poor neighbor; I'm sure she was wondering what we were up to!

Happy New Year! Here's to 2011! My first resolution for the new year -- move into our home on 329 Heritage Lane!


farmgirl said...

Sparklers inside?? You are the coolest mom EVER.

Marty said...

I can't wait to be in your home on Heritage Way this year!! LOVE you sis!!