Monday, January 24, 2011

Love Still Making You Do Strange Things

What do you get when you add these two things together: a husband in charge of Sacrament Meeting and no youth speaker?

Answer: One family roped into singing in Sacrament meeting.

Mark owes me big time. I think he mentioned something to me on Thursday night about our family singing in church on Sunday. It wasn't until Saturday that I asked him if this was for real. Sure enough he thought we could do it. Thankfully we have a wonderful neighbor who would play the piano for us. Thank you Rachael! I could only imagine how terrible it would have been without her backup.

Needless to say, I got up there, the music started, and I looked at my boys all suited up and lost it. I wasn't much help for the rest of the song. How embarrassing! This wasn't the first time this has ever happened to me either. I remember having to sing a song with my mom in some Relief Society meeting when I was younger(I honestly don't know how old I was). I had to sing by myself and the words were about my mother. I couldn't finish the stinkin' song I was crying too much. That made my mom start crying, and she couldn't sing her part. I think we just sat there and cried the whole way through. Too bad I didn't remembered this experience before I told Mark we would pinch hit for him.


Moose on the Porch Quilts said...

I seem to remember something similarly embarrasing about Brandon's farewell that the two of us were involved in. Who volunteers for something like that?!?

Alicia said...

Mindy, I came home and told Blaine how sweet it was. It really was a sweet moment. That Ethan wrapping his arm on you was awesome.
*Blaine was taking care of a sick Jakey. :)

Amy said...

I think that is super sweet. Music, especially sacred music, is one of the best ways to feel the Spirit. When you feel the Spirit you feel love, and happiness, and connection amongst family members. And Mindy, one of the things I like about you is your tender heart. With all those elements, it's no wonder you got teary-eyed.

The Mighty Miners said...

One..if woody EVER volunteered us to sing in sacrament I know we are in some serious trouble! Cause that is just all bad news, there is just nothing good that can come from our family singing...BUT I agree with your friend. From a family that CAN sing and I am sure you guys did a great job, the Spirit is felt and people can see that your family really does love each other. It is great. I bawl every time I have to teach a lesson or speak so singing would probablly be the same!