Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Big Brother

After my post yesterday about my remote, I had to do some researching and find out what was going on. I had to delete the name of the cable company I referenced in my earlier post to protect myself from crazy customer service guys responding to my blog.

I spoke with the company this morning and verified that they actually have people out of PA searching blogs for their company name. Apparently they like to find where people are complaining about their company and see what the problem is. It didn't give me any warm fuzzies to know they were out there trying to help - quite the opposite! It freaked me out!!! It also may have been enough to push me into the world of private blogging.


Alicia said...

You're right. Creepy. :(

Boise Woolfs said...

And I thought you were going to write a piece about your favorite "Big Brother".....

love ya Sis!!!