Sunday, January 4, 2009

Heard around the house...and in my head

Ethan: (while watching the UofU vs. Alabama game) Mom, did you see that guy?
Mindy: No, how come?
Ethan: Did you see his hair? It was all sticking up in the middle and it was all red and then on the sides it was all white and kinda gone. (shaved was my guess)
Mindy: Wow!
Ethan: He probably wasn't a member, huh?
Mindy: A member of what?
Ethan: A member of the church, cuz members of the church don't do that kind of thing.

Aaron: Mom, get the video camera.
(A few minutes later, and me still eating my cereal and trying to write a list of some sort.)
Aaron, wearing his new hoodie from Grandma and singing to his new Tooth Tunes toothbrush: Look at me, Mom. I'm a rockstar. Where's the camera?

Mindy: Mark, why do these boys have to break my things!!??

Mark: Ethan, Aaron, I said no food on the carpet!!!!

Alex: Aaaahhh!

Random thoughts in my head:
Hope of a new year. It's a new year and I do love the hope a new year brings; a chance to start anew, to improve myself and try to be the person I truly want to be.

Cake Decorating. Mark said I needed to give myself at least one night a week to myself and so I've decided to follow through and take him up on the chance to get away for a few hours and do something I want. I decided to take a cake decorating class - I know, nothing life shattering, but it's something I said I wanted to do for a long time and I've never done, so here it goes. I hate when I say I'm going to do something and don't do it. Signing up for this class is more than just that, a cake decorating class, to me it symbolizes more.

Food storage.....ahhhh!

Snow: Last night we were out in Erda, driving down a country road with lots of trees and bushes. It was so beautiful - I love when snow collects on the branches. It truly was a winter wonderland.


The Mighty Miners said...

Very insping! I hope your cake decorating goes well, and I hope you can enjoy your alone time while doing it too! I too look forward to the new year and the ideas of changing myself into the person I more want to be! We'll see how it goes!

The Wheelers said...

i love your background! and kids just make you laugh at the things they say. i think what makes it so funny is that they are usually serious. you'll have to give us some pointers from your cake decorating class, have fun!

Anonymous said...

Mindy...I love you. You make me smile. ...Summer

Momma Dil said...

The comments around your house cracked me up. BTW - I took two courses of a cake decorating class as a my-time thing last year so if you need supplies or the books (if you're doing a Wilton class) I can hook you up.