Thursday, September 8, 2011

Honey Bucket

Shout out to my SIL Nancy who sent me this hilarious text this morning.

"Your Honey Bucket has arrived...Let the construction begin!"

Nancy lives at the top of the road and keeps me updated on the particulars of what is happening out there. When I read her text to the boys Aaron thought a honey bucket was a big yellow truck used for digging. Then I reminded them about how there needs be a toilet for all the construction workers. They put two and two together, and their faces lit right up! They totally got it! They know from personal experience that you can find a port-a-potty next to "wooden houses."

As terrible as it sounds - a stinky portable restroom made me smile!


lwoolf said...

Hoorah for your team. After four years you are entitled to be excited about a portapottie!!!

Moose on the Porch Quilts said...

It does sound like something is actually going to be done. So happy for you!