I almost don't dare type this, afraid that someone will jump out and say, "Just kidding! You really don't get to build a house!"
September 1 was a beautiful day! I was walking around Temple Square with Alex while Mark attended the sealing of our nephew. I walked into the gated area next to the temple when my phone rang. I hurried to answer it - a little embarrassed to take a call right there. On the other end of the line came the news I had been waiting for. The building permit had been approved and now our construction load was ready for signatures!! Could this really be happening?! I am still waiting to see that hole in the ground, but I know its coming any day now.
My contractor contacted me today asking me to come in and make color choices for the house. Really!? You mean after all these years of dreaming about our home, I really get to pick the brick color? Seriously, how are you suppose to pick a brick color for your home off of the
website sample pics? It's not like I'm painting my bathroom here and can easily change the terrible paint choice with something better. (I'm still lacking a little confidence after having thought I had the perfect yellow paint for my office. Needless to say, it tanked!! We've learned to live with it, but I know before long, we'll be covering up that big mistake with something else.) I'm going to the brick showroom tomorrow and hope they have something better than the website swatches!!
I know the boys want this to be over as much as I do. I don't know how many times I've heard them say, "Are we going to look at houses, AGAIN!!!!" We took them out again on Sunday. When they asked if we were looking at houses, we lied and said we were going to look at landscaping. It seemed to work until we stopped and got out to take a closer look at a paticular home. Then they were on to us.
I think I'm about to be overwhelmed!! But bring it on, right?!