Tuesday, November 23, 2010


What do you say to your nine-year-old son who comes home with a huge smile on his face and says, "I'm SO happy!"?
His little brother then blurts out, "Yeah, his girlfriend touched his back."

Once we got home and I could speak to him alone, I asked him more about the situation. He's been so secretive about his girlfriend and hasn't dared tell us her name. The only details he's given us are that they held hands during singing time. One day this week he teased me and said that MAYBE or MAYBE NOT he's kissed her out in the field during recess. Good thing I volunteer in his classroom. I've figured out who this little lady is.

I told him to show me what she did when she touched his back. When he came over and rubbed his hand up and down my back and said, "It was so great, Mom!", I got a little worried. I thought it was Aaron that I was going to have to watch out for, but Ethan seems to be having his share of twitterpation.

I have the same problem. You see, I am married to a great man. Mark treats me like a princess. To brighten up a rather cold, windy day, and to tell me how thankful he was for me, Mark sent me a beautiful flower arrangement. Did I already tell you? I'm twitterpated too!


Alicia said...


Anneke said...

Mark's sweetness seriously made me cry. What a great guy you have. I'm so glad!
And your boys (as always) make me laugh. oh dear!