Saturday, November 13, 2010

Making some progress...slowly but surely.

These pics are for my records and for my family that lives too far away.

Our road is currently under construction. We missed getting the asphalt down this Fall and will have to wait until Spring to get that done. In the mean time, the county will not grant us a builing permit until the complete infastructure of the road is in. And so, we wait some more...

Before, okay not really before, but the first grubbing they did.


I wish I had an After photo!
Here's the view from my kitchen sink.

Love those beautiful mountains. I will miss my current view from the kitchen window. I have to admit, I get too much entertainment watching what happens out that window.



What a beautiful view! I'm excited for you!

Alicia said...

Someday soon (okay, much longer for me)... you and I will be living somewhere else (Davencourt HOA FREE!) and we will both have much prettier views from our kitchen sinks. I'm looking forward to a little more grass, a couple trees, a garden, and oh yeah--no more Davencourt HOA.

Marty said...

I'll pray for super warm days so that they can get that asphalt done!! Oh and to dig your hole... I can't wait to see your home and I'm guessing to help do some projects!! Here's hoping for sooner rather than later!