Sunday, September 12, 2010


One Magic Eraser = $2.49
A clean kitchen wall = Priceless

So besides drawing on walls, Alex has also taken to emptying off the contents of shelves - any he can reach. Be it books, Tuperware, or videos, he'll clean it off in no time. This is no big deal, just a fun thing to constantly keep up with.

The other day I was putting away some videos Alex had found. Yes, we actually still have a few VHS videos. They are inside the tv cabinet. Among them are some classic church missionary videos, old family video footage, and some Denise Austin workout tapes.

While I was putting them away, Aaron said, "See Mom, these are the bad movies. I think Ethan was looking at that girl. She doesn't have any clothes on."

All I could think of was Aaron telling the whole Primary, "Ya, my mom has some bad movies she hides under the tv. The ladies don't wear clothes."

I quickly explained, "You're right, she isn't very modest. See this is her swimming suit. She must have torn it when she jumped in." I strategically placed my thumb over her bare stomach.

So thanks a million, Denise! I still don't have a super stomach (but that's not really your fault) and my son my soon have my neighbors looking at me funny!

Moral of my story: Get rid of any exercise tapes you have right now. I'm just saying.


Alicia said...

Done. I needed an excuse to get rid of those stupid things anyway.

Brockett's said...

What a riot!! I'm telling you the Primary teachers get the best dirt on every one. Especially Sunbeam age. Don't tell them anything you wouldn't want the ward to know......

Amy said...

That is hilarious Mindy! I can totally see Aaron saying all of that too. I do think I have a few videos to get rid of...

Marty said...

YAY! I'm glad that the magic eraser worked for you!
Blaine read this post when I first read it. We were cracking up. Never a dull moment with aaron around!