Monday, April 19, 2010

Bring on Summer

I think it's official - summer may now come.

We enjoyed our first baseball game on Saturday and the boys got their first Slurpee of the season too! Until just recently they referred to Slurpees as "special drinks," as we only got to have them on "special" occasions.

Hello sunshine, I'm loving having you around!!


Marty said...

I just want to know if you had enough change to pay for those slurpees?? Or if those punk kids were there this time too?!?!?

Mindy said...

Funny Marty!!! Yeah, I even paid with dollar bills and everything! Always a good time at the corner 7-11!! LOVE YOU!

Moose on the Porch Quilts said...

We haven't had slurpees forever! I don't even know where to find them near me. Icees don't seem quite the same. I don't know why.

kelli said...

Isn't it funny how when you're a blogger, you take pictures of the funniest things that you NEVER would have pulled the camera out for before? It makes me laugh to think about the silly pictures I've taken since blogging found it's way into my life.