Monday, November 9, 2009


They came, they tested, they labeled.
Alex was labeled as developmentally delayed.  Onward and upward.....


kelli said...

Don't you just love, how they can put them in a box, label it, and close the lid. Like our kids can never ever step outside of that box! I guess the number parenting tip....'Prepare to be surprised'.

Alicia said...
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Alicia said...

Mindy-- you are a great mommy and that little guy is a champ. He is one special, sweet kid and he will be just fine. I know it.

farmgirl said...

Hang in there, Mama.
Kids are amazing.

Anonymous said...

I have two like that. Weird huh? They are both speech delayed. This parenting thing is rough sometimes huh? It is so hard to have that label for your child. It hurts us moms worse than it ever will our kids. I love you and I think your children are awesome! Just wait til he surpasses all the "other" kids!!!


Moose on the Porch Quilts said...

I have three "labeled" that way. They are in speech. With the first one I was mortified. Now I roll my eyes.