There are so many memories that live within the walls of this home. Mark brought me here to check it out when he was looking for a place to call his own. We were just dating, and I really didn't think I would one day be living here, let alone, marry this guy. He said he knew it all along. He even bought the stove we have now with a "power boost burner" just so I could can. I'm not even sure I knew how to can. But, alas --- here we are, three boys later and lots of stuff. We have made this our home, both inside and out.
It will be a bitter-sweet day when I have to leave. As for now, I'm reliving lots of memories as I box up what I can. Ethan just found his long-lost Lego Lava Monster. I am sure there will be many more great finds as we continue to box up and clear it all out.