Monday, March 28, 2011

Phone Calls

This morning between phone calls with several people concerning the home loans and septic tanks, I got a call from the elementary school. That for me is always a little alarming - wondering what is wrong with one of the boys. On the other end of the line I heard Ethan's voice. He said, "Mom, I think I know what disease I have. It's called sceema, and I think I better come home."

This poor kid has the worst skin ever. I try to use lotion to take care of it, but it's not really working. He's been wearing long sleeves all winter, and I really havne't looked at his arms that closely until just recently. They are in bad shape. I told him his "disease" isn't really a disease and that no one in his class would "catch" this if he stayed at school today. I think when he gets home I may have to find out if there is more to this story than bad skin. On another note, his teacher told me the govenor is coming to his school tomorrow. I better take care of him tonight so his disease is all better by tomorrow.


Alicia said...

Poor kid. I feel his pain. I hate my crappy skin... and Utah weather doesn't help.

The Wheelers said...

funny what kids think things are.
one of my boys also had it bad. then we took him swimming, that really was bad for the skin. anyway, dr. gave me a rx ointment and then said to lather him in aquaphor from eucerin. do it 5 days stop for 2 then 5 again. it worked wonders in just the first 5 days! good luck!

Mindy said...

@Ashley That's it, Aquaphor. My friend told me about it, and I couldn't remember it for the life of me. I will go see if I can get some today!

Debbie Gisle said...

So I'm catching up on your cute blog now! :-) Jacob has skin troubles, too. When I ran out of his steroid lotion (rx from doc) the next best thing for us is cortizone cream. Even the generic brands work. I just lather it on him and try to cover it with clothes if I can. It works really well for him.