Friday, July 16, 2010

Where are you?

The summer is nearly half over, and where have I been? Not at home. I will most definitely have to post the events of our summer thus far. For the last week that I have been at home, all my extra time has been spent on the computer, but not blogging. I've been searching for a new car.

Yes, it's true! The van-car is no more. After a very dumb accident, one that I'd rather not talk about, she has gone home to Honda heaven.

This is what she looked like.....

Everyone is fine, except for my arm which is still giving me trouble. If it weren't my left arm I may seriously take the doctor's suggestion of having it amputated. Thanks, airbag! The thought of replacing the van-car has been a bit overwhelming and one I'd rather not repeat anytime soon.

All that said, I just spoke to Mark and he said, "I need you to pick me up at 5:00 p.m. Bring your checkbook."

Yeah! The search must be over! But I'm starting to get worried that we're saying goodbye to the balance of our savings account! Bye, bye money for a new road! Bye, bye money for a new house!!

And in my own girly-girly way all I am wondering about is -- is it going to be the red one or the gray one?
Pictures coming soon of the new addition to the Gull Family!!


Alicia said...

Um, I hope you are joking about the amputation... that being said, I have a boat-load of dumb accident stories. We should compare notes. I hate myself sometimes. :) (I hope it's the red one.)

Mer said...

That was kind of a teaser post - I need more details - and sorry about the accident and whatever is paining you with your arm. HOpe you feel better soon, and that the new red/gray car helps:)