Wednesday, December 17, 2008


How time changes things...
On Sunday our family met with our good bishop for tithing settlement. Mark is our ward's financial clerk, so he was already at the church when we got there. He had been going through old documents and shredding them. When I walked in, he handed me some papers and said, "Take a look at that."

I assumed these were our statements from 2008 and that I should review them before meeting with the bishop. They were actually our statements from 2005. When I looked at the total contributions for the year, I could hardly believe the amount; this was during a time where we as a family were struggling to stay afloat. Mark had lost his job of 10 years, and we were basically starting over. I often wondered how we were going to make it and take care of our growing family. I had to put some of my pride aside and let others help us. Where are we now?

I know you don't need all the details, some I would rather forget about anyway. But since that time, Mark has not only received a bachelor's degree, he's also graduated with a Master's degree. He has a great job working full time as a civil engineer, and I actually have a part time job using some of the skills I went to school for. I work as a contractor updating and editing web pages for OSHA.

I sometimes wonder why our Heavenly Father blesses our family so much. There is so much more we could be doing better in our lives, yet, as the loving Father He is, he sees fit to bless us and help us along this journey we call life.


The Mighty Miners said...

It is truly amazing what can happen in our lives when first we pay our tithing, and second let Heavenly Father be in control! Truly Amazing, I am happy that you made it through such a rough time with such strength and dignity. Amazing, but you guys are wonderful people so we shouldn't be suprised anyways right :) take care and Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I needed to hear that today. Thank you... Summer

Unknown said...

Hi Mindy!

I got your Christmas card today. You have a beautiful family. You truly radiate! You look so much like your mom!

I loved your reflections on tithing. Isn't it beautiful how adversity has a way of making us grow? "Adversity is divinely decreed for the purpose to help men grow."--Dallin H. Oaks--and--"The greater the test, the greater the compliment from a loving Heavenly Father."--Henry B. Eyring. Those quotes give me much hope and strength and help put hardships into perspective.

Thank you for your wonderful example and friendship. You have always been so kind to me.

P.S. I couldn't make out your email address on your card--that darn left hand! So you have to email me first! :>)

Anneke said...

I love you! You've always been an inspiration and support to me, and this story is just another example of that. Thanks.

Bryant P. Castleton said...

Mindy - what an inspiring post! It brought back memories of one of the years Becca was in treatment for cancer and we just didn't know how we were going to make it. We paid our tithing and the Lord provided.

Since that winter it has always seemed a little easier to pay our tithing and we have been blessed in every way beyond every expectation.

Merry Christmas to you and yours!